Thursday, April 22, 2010

The home stretch

I'm a little over three weeks away from the test.  I still need to memorize Pyongwon (the 4th dan form) and the last double nunchuck pattern.  The other forms are good; the newest patterns are rough but I'll be okay with them.  Now the plan is to perfect all of this stuff in the months after the test.  Yeah, looks like I'll be sticking with TKD on some level or other for now.

This week's drama revolves around my bum knee.  It's really being uncooperative as of late.  I got to the point where I finally relented and spoke to ADAPT's resident rehab authority; she gave me a short-term plan to strengthen and stretch the injured area, and keep the "good" leg from overcompensating and getting hurt too.  ADAPT continues to impress me.  I am planning on taking some of their fitness education and certification courses from them over the next few months.  Can't say enough good things about ADAPT; not only have they improved my overall wellness, but they've really saved my butt during this minor crisis.

I'm going back to the West Union branch of WCT on May 3rd.  I'm looking forward to going back.  As much as I love all the Saltzman students, it's time for me to go home.  I'm looking forward to getting to know the new guy, Master Lee.  He's yet another former Korean national TKD team member, so he's definitely got the skills.  He also speaks English fluently, which will make a huge difference in the classes he teaches.  I'm optimistic that he will do a great job as the new head instructor.  I've also gotten some great feedback from the West Union students regarding my imminent return.  The feeling is mutual, guys.

As stressful as my preparation journey has been in spots, I'm enjoying TKD more now than I have in a couple of years.  Being back at West Union means that once again I'll have the opportunity to do the hardcore training that I love (assuming my body can withstand the punishment!).  This chapter of my TKD career may be coming to a close, but I can't help but feel that there are more adventures ahead.